
Contact us now!

Management, sales and customer service

EBS Ink-Jet Systeme GmbH

Alte Ziegelei 19-25
D-51588 Nümbrecht-Elsenroth

phone +49 (0)2293/939-0

fax +49 (0)2293/939-3
E-Mail: ed.tejkni-sbe@liam

Our opening hours (CET, Central European Time):

Mon-Fri 8.00-12.30 and 13.00-16.30

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Management, sales and customer service

EBS Ink-Jet Systeme GmbH
Alte Ziegelei 19-25
D-51588 Nümbrecht-Elsenroth

phone +49 (0)2293/939-0
fax+49 (0)2293/939-3
E-Mail: ed.tejkni-sbe@liam

Our opening hours (CET, Central European Time):
Mon-Fri 8.00-12.30 and 13.00-16.30 

Sales, Logistics and Service United States of America, North America

EBS Ink-Jet Systems USA, Inc.
1840 Industrial Drive, Suite 200
Libertyville, IL 60048, USA

phone: 1-847-996-0739
fax: 1-847-996-0843
E-Mail: moc.tejkni-sbe@selas

Our opening hours (CDT, Central Daylight Time/CST, Central Standard Time):
Mon-Fri 8.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00

The main partner

EBS Ink-Jet Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.
ul. Tarnogajska 13
50-512 Wroclaw

phone (+48-71) 367 04 11
phone (+48-71) 367 04 14
fax (+48-71) 373 32 69
secretariat/sales department: lp.tejkni-sbe@eciffo
service division: lp.tejkni-sbe@ecivres

The company is listed in the Business Register kept by the District Court Wrocław-Fabryczna, VI. Economic Department of the Central Business Register, registered under the number 0000169905 (KRS).

VAT ID No. (NIP): PL8992479405
Statistical ID No. (REGON): 932921371
IBAN: PL29 1240 1994 1111 0000 2495 6448, Bank PKO SA I O/Wrocław
Share capital: PLN 6 154 200.

Sales, Logistics and Service China



深圳总公司地址:深圳南山区高新北区朗山二路5号金汇球大厦六楼608 moc.anihc-sbe@eciffo:箱邮67300432-5570:真传876-6060-004:线热询咨费免

Adresse: Room 608, Building Jin-Hui-Qiu No. 5, Langshan 2nd Road, Gaoxin bei qu, Nanshan District, 518057 Shenzhen, China

+86 755 2340 0676,
+86 755 2340 0376

EBS 集团全资拥有的子公司: 依贝思标识科技(深圳)有限公司,全权负责在华的一切业务。

请登陆我们的中文网站 /
如需咨询相关的业务和信息请发邮件到 moc.anihc-sbe@eciffo

或者致电 400-607-7550 / +86-755-2340-0676

自2011年1月开始,EBS Ink-Jet Systeme GmbH(EBS喷墨集团德国有限公司)在中国成立了子公司,正式命名为依贝思标识科技(深圳)有限公司,全权负责EBS在中国地区的产品销售和服务,以及EBS在中国地区官方分销渠道的资格认证等事宜。与此同时,EBS喷墨集团德国有限公司不再直接向中国市场提供销售和经销商支持,只负责EBS产品质量管控和对EBS中国产品出口事宜。